Send Mutiny Slack notifications to different channels

  • Updated

Update your Slack integration to customize the delivery channel for each notification type
Before you start


This article is for customers who have already integrated with Slack and want to start sending Mutiny Slack notifications to different channels. If you have not integrated with Slack, you can learn more here.


Update Your Slack Integration

Step 1 - View your Slack Integration

Select Integrations from the left side pane and click on Slack.



Step 2 - Reauthorize your Slack Integration

Reauthorizing your Slack Integration to give Mutiny the correct permissions to enable you to send notifications to different channels.


To reauthorize your Slack integration, select "edit" next to your notification channel in the top right corner.

From there, select a default channel Mutiny will use for Slack notifications. However, you'll be able to choose additional channels once you finish your reauthorization. You can select any public or private channel that has been created in your Slack instance.

Hit "Allow" once you have chosen the channel. You'll be redirected back to Mutiny and see this screen where you can choose the type of messages you'd like to receive


Step 3 - Select the Slack channel for each notification

On the Slack Integrations page, you should now see a "Slack channel" selection for each notification you have enabled. You can select the channel to which the notification should be sent.


Open the "Slack channel" drop-down and select your desired channel. Mutiny currently supports sending notifications to any public Slack channel, including channels created in your Slack instance or channels created by Mutiny that you have been invited to.


Congrats! You have now completed all the steps to start sending Slack notifications to different channels.

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