How to personalize for accounts using Mutiny's AI [BETA]

  • Updated

Please note that this feature is currently in Beta. If you would like to learn more, reach out to your Growth Strategist.


Mutiny's AI allows you to scale personalization for an entire list of target accounts on key elements in your experiences. Using this feature will unlock the ability to personalize for each account's unique attributes, like vertical, company size, and challenges, all within one experience and using one target account list.


This article will walk you through how to use the "Personalize for each Account" feature when building your Account list-based experience. To be able to leverage this feature, you will need to build your target account list for a "Microsites" outbound experience. This feature is available for static, account-based lists only. 


Getting Started:

Once you have created your inbound page content or Microsite experience, select the element you'd like to personalize. After selecting it, you will see the option to "Personalize by Account". Select this to open up the AI modal.


Find the Beta.png



Determine how you want to personalize - do you want to personalize by account or by an attribute? Any attribute available for your target account list is an option to personalize in the beta!



If you choose to personalize by account:

Step 1

Mutiny's AI modal will open and you will see a list of all target accounts. Begin to prompt the AI and use the "preview" button to see generation examples. You can iterate on your prompt and preview. Once you're ready, you can generate for all accounts. At that time, you're welcome to continue to iterate on the prompt! 

Modal View - Accounts.png


Preview with Prompt - Accounts.png


*Tip: use the + insert a variable (or start typing @) to explore attributes to use from your Target Account list to factor into the prompts*

Add variables - Accounts.png


Step 2

Begin to review your copy. You can always override the AI prompt by typing in the text box. Override - Account Level.png


You can use the "Preview" tab to see how each variation looks on the page 



Step 3

When you are happy with the variations, apply and confirm - you will now be able to see the personalized copy for this element as you view your experience from your account list. 




If you choose to personalize by a different variable:

Step 1:

Select a variable that you'd like to "personalize by" for the entire account list. We recommend choosing a variable with full data completeness. Any account that does not have that variable aligned to it will receive the "control" template copy


Once in the modal, the options for dynamic content will be segmented by the variable you selected. Similar to the other workflow, you can begin to prompt the AI here and begin to preview responses

*Tip: use conditional statements to help it understand what is most important for different groups!

Once you're ready, you can "generate for all". At that time, you're welcome to continue to iterate on the prompt! 


Step 2

Begin to review your copy. You can always override the AI prompt by typing in the text box.


Step 3

When you are happy with the variations, apply and confirm - you will now be able to see the personalized copy for this element as you view your experience from your account list. 



Reviewing Variations

You can always go back and view all the variations by clicking "View variations" from the element or the change log.







  • Where is the AI getting the Account information?
    • Mutiny's model is looking at any data aligned to an account via the Account list. This can be either through your CSV uploads or your first-party data integrations.
    • You can verify what account info is available to the model by checking the list of variables listed in the “insert a variable” dropdown or by navigating to the list view for this experience’s list to see what values are populated.

  • How is the AI determining how to personalize more deeply?
    • The AI is using your first party data, as well as crawling your own website for information about how you may market yourselves to accounts based on variables. For example, if you have a page focused on servicing a certain vertical, that may factor into the AI model
  • How do I add more information about an account for the model to personalize by?
    • You can sync more data via your first-party data integrations. See how to map fields for Salesforce or Hubspot. You can also upload a custom CSV with as many account fields as you'd like via Lists.
  • I added accounts via CSV to the list - how do I review the AI personalizations for net new accounts?
    • If personalizing by account, the best option would be to discard the variations and regenerate for the list. Otherwise, the new accounts will receive the "default" copy on the template page
    • If personalizing by attribute and the attribute for the new accounts already existed on the list (i.e. Industry = Finance was already included), no changes need to be made. The new accounts will receive the personalization for the attribute
    • If personalizing  by attribute and the attribute for the new accounts did not exist yet on the list, the best option would be to discard the variations and regenerate for the list. Otherwise, the new accounts will receive the "default" copy on the template page
  • Will this work on any element on the site?
    • Right now, this feature will work with text-based elements with at least 3 words. 
  • Can we use this feature with components like sidepops?
    • This feature is only available for page content experiences.
  • How do I discard and write a new prompt after applying variations to my experience?
    • If you'd like to discard, select "View variations" from the element and go back into the AI modal. There will be a discard option, which will take you back to the beginning of the generation process.
  • How can I improve my prompts if I'm not getting the desired results?
    • Try being more specific in your instructions, experimenting with different account variables, or breaking down complex requests into smaller, more focused prompts. 
    • Check out this article all about getting better results from our AI

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