You may want to create personalizations that span multiple pages, such as a CTA on every blog page or a navigation change that applies to all pages on your site. You may also want to set up a rule to track conversions only on specific pages.
URL targeting allows you to set up specific rules for your experiences and conversions so that you’re always targeting the correct page.
Remember that for multi-page experiences your changes will be made on multiple pages, so it is best practice to only modify elements that exist on every page you are targeting. If you want to make additional changes to a single page, you should do so in a separate experience to make sure all your personalizations apply as expected.
Where to update your URL rules
You can update your URL rules in your experiences and when tracking conversions.
When you are creating a new experience, you can add multi-page targeting from the initial creation page by selecting the "Advanced" button at the bottom of the URL table.
If you didn't initially add your URL conditions, or if you decide later you want to expand your personalization to multiple pages, you can configure your multi-page targeting directly from the experience editor by selecting the experience name dropdown, and then selecting the pencil next to the URL.
When creating or editing a “Page View” or “Form or Link” conversion type, you can select the “Use multiple URLs” link to add in URL targeting.
Updating your URL conditions
You can define your URL conditions by selecting which part of the URL you’d like to match, and then deciding how that portion of the URL should match to the value you choose.
Defining the URL part to match
- To create a URL rule, you'll first need to decide which part of the URL you want to match. Mutiny offers three options for this:
- URL: The entire URL, including the domain, subdomain, path and query parameters (i.e.
- URL Host: The domain and subdomain of the URL (i.e.
- URL Path: The part of the URL that comes after the domain, including any subdirectories (i.e. /pricing).
Choosing the operator
Once you've decided which part of the URL to match, you'll need to choose an operator to define the relationship between the URL part and the value you want to match. Mutiny supports the following operators:
- is: The URL part must be an exact match for the specified value.
- is not: The URL part must not match the specified value.
- contains: The URL part must include the specified value.
- does not contain: The URL part must not include the specified value.
- starts with: The URL part must begin with the specified value.
- ends with: The URL part must end with the specified value.
- matches regex: The URL part must match the specified regular expression pattern. To learn more about regular expression, click here.
Inputting the value to match
After selecting the operator, you'll need to input the value you want to match. You can type a value directly in the text box, and press enter to apply it. If you add in multiple values, they’ll match using OR logic. So for example, this condition will match any page where the URL contains three OR four.
To help you better understand how URL rules work, here are some examples of some rules you may want to apply to your experiences:
- Apply an experience to all blog posts.
- Apply an experience to all pages except the /contact page.
- Apply an experience to all pages except the home page.
- Track conversions on any page view that has /thank-you in the page path.
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