Creating multivariate experiences

  • Updated

Creating multivariate experiences lets you test multiple variations to find out which personalization work best for your segment.

How to create multivariate experiences

Multivariate experiences are currently supported for all experience types except redirect experiences.

  1. Navigate to the Mutiny editor by editing an existing experience or creating a new one.
  2. Select the "Variations" dropdown and then select "Add new variation". You can also click the three dots next to an existing variation to duplicate that variation.
  3. Name your variation whatever you'd like. We recommend something recognizable and informative which will make it easier to tell what that variation is changing at a glance.
  4. To make changes to a variation, select the radio button next to the variation. You can then use the editor to make any changes you'd like.

Once you've created your multivariate experience, you can choose your traffic distribution. Learn more here.

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